self care

Spring Cleanse

Have 3 days? Want better health?

Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC  on our 3-day spring reset to detoxing your mind and body to let your soul shine!

Spring is a perfect time to detox and reset of our digestive fires (Agni) to help remove built up toxins (Ama) from the heavy winter diet.

Our 3-day cleanse will help to reset your digestive fires to help flush out toxins and restore the gut-brain connection to improve your over all health. You will see improvement on fatigue, mental fog, depression, anxiety, and bloating.

As the sister science of Ayurveda, a yoga practice can boost energy in the body. So we encourage you to find a yoga class during the cleanse either online or in person to assist the detox process.

Included in your cleanse:

  • Tea
  • Oils
  • Cleanse Supplements
  • 6-meals
  • Spring Recipes
  • 30-minute follow up consultation
  • 10% off massage
    • Pick up of cleanse kit at our office or can be shipped for flat rate of $9

If not now, when?

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Honey and Turmeric Paste

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC loves the super spice “Turmeric” and it’s many benefits.

Try this super easy honey and turmeric paste as a delicious topping on your toast in the morning:

Combine the following:
2 tablespoons of ground turmeric
1/4 cup of raw honey
pinch of black pepper
1 teaspoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil in a bowl.

Stir until smooth and store in the refrigerator for up to one week. Makes about 8-10 servings.

Recipe by: Jitka Robinson

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Cinnamon Tea

Ayurveda Wellness Healing loves the taste of cinnamon Tea especially on a cold, wet, dark day.

Through the lens of Ayurveda, cinnamon has been held as a natural healing agent that is used as a potent remedy against colds, stomach problems especially indigestion. It helps stop sugar cravings and is used to aid digestion and circulation. This ancient remedy is used to treat colds, congestion and fevers.

Cinnamon Tea:
Break a cinnamon stick into pieces and place in a cup. Add boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. You can keep adding hot water to the cup to enjoy all day long. Use more or less cinnamon depending on the strength you prefer.

Cinnamon tea has a sweet, spicy flavor.


“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Clearing Full Moon

The moon represents our inner world, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.

The Full Moon is a great time to “moon bathe”…yes “moon bathe”!  Go head try it its refreshing.  Sit under the light of the moon & meditate.  As you breathe-in allow the moon to warm your Heart & expand the beauty of the present moment and as you breathe-out let the light of the moon transmute that which you wish to release.  The intense, healing and purifying moonbeam deeply activates energy, bringing dramatic shifts, renewed trust, sacred & fated soul-connections & accelerates major change.

Old cycles are ending, toxic chapters will close, and new beginnings will fill the space.  Have faith & patience with the process while it beautifully unfolds.

Hold the ice

Hold the Ice!

How many of you make the common mistake of adding ice to your drinks? Ayurveda recommends avoiding cold drinks at meals and ice cold foods in general. This is like putting cold water on the burning logs (your digestive fires).

Iced water, normally served at restaurants, extinguishes the digestive fire. Even juice or milk right out of the refrigerator is too cold for the digestion. Juice should be taken at room temperature and water without ice.

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows, once you get into this habit of drinking beverages at room temperature you will notice a dramatic improvement in your digestion and the way your body feels during and after the meal.

Cold drinks and foods mixed with warm cooked foods can cause stomach cramps, bloating and general discomfort in the stomach area.

So…Hold the Ice!

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”