Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC is frequently asked how ones Chakra’s can effect their wellbeing.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed.

Around each human being there is an energy field known as the aura. It usually extends 10-15cm out from the physical body. Some people can see the aura with all its colors, others can see a faint light, some cannot see anything at all, but this does not matter. The colors in our aura change depending on our state of health or our mood. The color and energy of the aura is produced by the chakras. The chakras are the seven energy centres in our etheric body. They are wheels of bright color which spin totally in balance when we are healthy and happy. When we are in bad health or feeling distressed, the chakras spin out of balance and the colors are not so bright. Each chakra is related to a particular color. It needs to produce this color for its energy field and it needs to spin in balance.  Balancing the base Chakra during Vata season can be extremely helpful.

Base = Red
The Base or Root Chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower our beings. Focusing one’s attention on the color of a cherry popsicle or a juicy red apple can help bring our energetic body “down to earth” and in alignment with our physical body when we find ourselves energetically fleeting or in other words…..”spacing off.”

Physical Location – base of the spine
Physical dysfunctions associated with base chakra – lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders
Mental/Emotional Issues – survival, self esteem, social order, security, family
Information stored in base chakra – familial beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure or pain, touch
Area of Body Governed – spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, immune system

Feeling out of balance and don’t know why?

Contact us for a private consultation: info@ayurvedawellnesshealing.com or 978.395.1234

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”